BOC Duties:
Board members establish policies for the health and welfare of County residents. Such responsibilities include the following:
Funding Grady Hospital
Providing assistance to the Department of Family and Children Services
Providing services to children, families, elderly, and disabled through the Department of Community Services
Operating the Department of Health and Wellness and the Department of Behavioral Health
Appointing government officials such as the County Manager, County Clerk, County Auditor, and County Attorney
Adopting annual budgets for County government operations
Authorizing bond referendums
Enacting plans for County growth and development
Leading the operation of a system of courts that includes judges, the Clerk of the Superior Court, the District Attorney, the Solicitor, the Sheriff, the Marshal, and the Public Defender
County Government also provides
Library services to citizens throughout the county
Arts and culture programs for youth and adults within the eleven municipalities
To become an organization that simultaneously delivers quality programs and services, outstanding customer value, and sound financial performance.
Fulton County operates under the commission-county manager form of government. This system combines the policy leadership of elected officials with the administrative abilities of a county manager.
The commission meets in regular session twice a month on the first and third Wednesdays at 10 a.m. Tune in to Fulton County's government access channel, FGTV, for live coverage. See BOC Agendas and Minutes.
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