CSTF Committee: Justice & Public Safety

Economic Development | Human & Health Services | Justice & Public Safety | Aging & Youth | Arts, Culture, Libraries & Recreation | Registrations & Elections
Key People:
Marvin S. Arrington, Jr.
Commissioner, Fulton County
District 5, Board Appointee
Justice Reinvestment External Group
Russell Hopson
The Fulton County Jail is located at 901 Rice St NW, Atlanta, GA 30318. The Fulton County Sheriff maintains this facility as the county’s official jailer and is responsible for the health, safety, and welfare of all inmates. In addition to providing physical security in the Fulton County courthouse, the County Sheriff’s Office serves all court summons including subpoenas and civil process papers, and executes all court-ordered levies on property to satisfy judgments- in court actions.
The Office of the District Attorney is charged with the prosecution of all felony violations of State law that occur within Fulton County. The District Attorney prosecutes all indictable offenses as well as those that may be charged by accusation and litigates these offenses in both the trial and appellate courts of the State of Georgia. The Office is also responsible for prosecuting felony and misdemeanor offenses committed by juveniles.
The Fulton County Courts are divided into:
• Superior Court (presiding over administrative appeals and civil, major criminal and domestic relations cases),
• Juvenile Court (hearing all cases involving allegations of dependency of children under the age of 18, children in need of services (CHINS) under the age of 18, and delinquency and traffic violations concerning children under the age of 17),
• Probate Court (holding hearings and making judicial determinations in all controversies involving incapacitated adults, minors, and estates of decedents)
• Magistrate Court (providing resolution of criminal and civil matters including warrant applications, first appearance hearings, preliminary hearings, child abandonment warrant applications, abandoned motor vehicles, landlord-tenant actions, small claims, garnishments, marriages, and personal property foreclosure).
Contact Members
Deborah McCoy
Corro'll Driskell
Harold Hardnett
Waymon Harley
Darris Rollins
Marcus Carter